Digital Humans - out now
Digital Humans - out now

Garrick Jones is a co-founder and partner at the Ludic Group, entrepreneur, academic and musician. Garrick is a Fellow of the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he launched the groundbreaking Open Innovation Programme.
Paul Ashcroft is a co-founder and partner of the Ludic Group. With a background in mathematics and strategic consulting, Paul is an expert in applying principles of innovation, design thinking and digital tools to accelerate large scale, sustainable change.
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Thriving in an Online World
Our society is facing huge challenges and opportunities, from achieving net zero to living with quantum computing. What does that mean for how we live and work? Is it consistent with our need to connect with other people and find meaning and purpose? Can we transform our organisations into companies that are nimble enough to keep up with rapid change but designed to keep humans at the heart of what they do?
the curious advantage
The Greatest Driver of Value in the Digital Age
The Curious Advantage is an exploration of the behaviour of curiosity and its central role in the digital age, taking the widest possible exploration of all things curious—historical, contemporary, neuro-scientific, anthropological, behavioural and business.

Digital Humans and Their Organizations
We are all digital humans now. What does this mean for how we live and how we work? How do digital humans thrive in a connected world? Alive: Digital Humans and Their Organizations shines a light on how to activate organizations so that they can transform themselves – and what digital means for people who work within them.
Good Smell/Make-up Tree
With music by Garrick Jones
A cross-reading of Urs Fischer’s work through the arrangement of more than 200 images, including reproductions of works, installation views, studio shots and special features.